How To Build The Habits Of The Children To Be Sincere And Clever (Mai Ngo)#5
Parents have to teach children who the bhikkhus are: The word “Phra Sangha” is combined by 2 words: “Phra” means great and “Sangha” (pronounced Song) means group
วัดพระธรรมกายลอนดอนจัดตักบาตรเข้าพรรษาคณะสงฆ์ 5 ชาติ
วัดพระธรรมกายลอนดอนจัดตักบาตรเข้าพรรษาคณะสงฆ์ 5 ชาติ ช่วยผู้ไร้บ้านในอังกฤษ
What I received from Meditation
I had a strong feeling that I'd gain a lot of benefits from meditation and what I thought was right. From the very first moments I was there, I felt unbelievable joy and did not feel any worries. Being a part of this meditation program has been such an amazing experience.
Partiality Because of Love
When we work in the same places as our relatives, close friends, and significant others, we may give them things that they do not deserve. This is a form of corruption beginning from our mind. If most people in society behaved with partiality, it would cause corruption in that society.
Role Reversal
My husband had to become a househusband and look after our son whereas I became a breadwinner. My husband loves the family very much.As he felt so ashamed he did all the chores including washing clothes, cooking and minding our child. I felt nothing for him.
Beloved Teacher
A life story of chinsese woman who was lucky than any others. She got a chance to study in University; even though, her mom refused to send her daughters for high education per Chinese’s belief. And, what are the retributions of angriness each other since past life? How are the situations between having physical body meditate in the hall that the great root teacher controlling merits and listening radio broadcast in the office alone provide merits and progress of meditation differently?..DMC has the answers.
I’d like to know what principle of Dhamma can give stability to the family till the next generations?
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Associate with the Wise (3)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The First Group of Blessings. Blessing Two :- Associate with the Wise.
The kalyanamitra Home
The word ‘kalyanamitra’ means good friend. A good friend must have all the Seven Characteristics described previously
Former Buddhist Nun Helps Stressed-Out Find Inner Peace